Sunday, November 27, 2022

Badgerie Menagerie: Stone Soup, & Dinovember Revisted

Last year was supposed to have the very last Dinovember, a goodbye to childhood if you will.

Well, here we are another year, and it was requested by Miss, "Would the dinos come again?"

I couldn't yet say a complete goodbye.

So here we go again.



But first, Miss did not finish this gauntlet in time for Halloween, but it sure did end up brutally sweet.
Needs a bit of dry brush highlights and then we are good for a cosplay event or two.


This year Dinovember is going smaller (thus saner for Mama), 
AND I'm getting MORE help...from the olders!
My theme this year was to keep it low key.
Keep it tiny.
So for this Dinovember evening, one mini-dino came, with a miniature sized fishing rod.


I love that Miss is making the lunches this semester for Erik and me.


So many treats were made for our Halloween Beastly Feast that we had to spill over some creations into November.
That would be the making of the Brain Cake.
This is my first successful attempt at making a homemade fondant!
So easy, and only two ingredients.
Great consistency, took color well.
Thank goodness for progress in cake making recipes. 

Made by these two Misses'.

Meanwhile we left for a walk.

And came home to these mini-brain cakes!
Mine is even GF.


Another Dinovember evening: origami dinosaurs.
They got a little help from the toy dinos.

My new palm plant.
So cool to watch how its fronds grow out.
"Its grow a lot like the way birds feathers come out of a sheath."  This Erik observed.


Dinovember, by the olders:
hot(ish) drinks and s'mores.

Candles provided for s'mores.

A plate full of s'mores.
A neat note from the dinos!

It was a hit.


A fun night out celebrating a wonderful friend.
Happy birthday Melissa C!


Another Dinovember evening by the olders: 
the Dino Rockhounding club is enjoying chocolate lava cupcakes.
You poke a hole in the top of the cupcake, heat it in the microwave.
It will come out of the microwave oozing chocolate lava out of the top!  
They're GF!


She likes her chinese dance classes but doesn't like getting up in the mornings to go to them.

Bell pepper o'lantern.


The 10th Annual Badger Sisters' Stone Soup Party!
With vaccinations in full swing, 
this is another of our annual traditions that we are bringing back this year!

Washing and chopping.

Each sister puts in 1 ingredient into each of the two pots (vegetarian and non-vegetarian).

In go the stones, celery, carrots, and onions!

And here come the friends, old and new!!!

More of our party was spent outside this year.

So thankful to have friends.
Our hearts and our bellies are full!

A game of Werewolves.

Shoes little and big.
Precious times!


More of the daily life!
Road schooling with Miss.
We drive olders to their robotics and Moot Court classes,
then we find a nice coffee shop and settle down to the business of math and writing.

Miss 2 and her robotics team: the CubedETs!


'Tis that time of year again.
Time to change the tires.
Only this time, the wheels are rusted on...

A little help from the blow torch!

Thoughts of camping.

The mantids hung out up there, during the party.
Miss 2 is seeing that they are comfortable.


The next Dinovember evening:
a mini wooden bed and a mini dino.


Another Dinovember evening:
a mini wooden horse and a mini dino.


Miss loves to work on beaded jewelry.

Trying it on sister's wrist.


Twice per year the Natural History Museum of Utah opens up its back rooms.
Its a big party, there's cookies, and a peek into their research labs.

And cool guest speakers with birds, like this owl.


Another Dinovember evening by the olders: treats and a note.


Sleep over with Mama once a month.
This month, we brought back out our shadow puppet stage.


Another Dinovember evening by the olders:
Geode cupcakes and cake!
Homemade (by Miss 1)  kohakutou and rock candy decorated confections! 

Big success!

And a cool note from the dinos!


GF cupakes!


More homeschooling on the road.

The robotics team continues to make progress!


Another Dinovember evening:
A new mini-dino and a new mini-wooden dining furniture set:
4 chairs, a table, and of course a "giant" York Peppermint Patty.

Playing with color.


Another Dinovember evening:
Another mini dinosaur, a mini wooden toilet, 
and a miniature watering can that is pouring into the toilet.

Dinovember prep:
The  olders have made and cut the next round of kohakutou and it is curing.

Another Dinovember evening:
An invitation to create:
a new mini dino, a miniature knitting basket and a full sized ball of yarn and some needles.



Pineapple upside down cake!

More road schooling.

At the STEM center...
More robotics and collaboration with another robotics team.


Another Dinovember evening:
Another mini dino, miniatures a book of magic spells, a bottle of magic potion, a magic staff,
and hand sew magic hats!


It's friday.
And in the low 40s.
But I talked them into rollerblading again!



As promised: post blading boba-tea.

There was boba-tea.

And Magic.

And this one wanted popcorn chicken instead.


Yeah. I asked.
This dino wanted to be red.
I was told.

Another Dinovember evening.
I noticed that youngest Miss seemed to be making some flat cone hats and I worried that perhaps someone had forgotten how to construct cones!
So I thought, what better reminder that with a teepee for the dinos.
Plus, it was the day before camping, so the dinos could bring the teepee with us!

Thankgoodness for sewing machines.


She finally brought out a project gifted to her last year...


Miss works on more beaded jewelry.


Miss 1 volunteering with a clean air program at a local library.
The youth were helping to construct low cost air filters for homes.


Finished the solder project!

It's a 5-games in one console.

It was a hit.
Tetris especially.


Off to our November camp!!!