Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Miss 1's Adventure through Europe, Part II: Ireland to London, via Wales


Catching the Ferry from Dublin to Wales!

Luggage check.

The waiting room.

Meeting Girl Guides from Ireland!

Group photo.

My wooden travel companion get to see places...

All aboard, on the ferry.
Our Girl Scouts mixing with the Girl Guides!

Our ship.

Just in case-ies.

There was an on-ship arcade

More international mingling.
So glad that Miss is mixing with the Irish students!

A lighthouse.

My roomie loves lighthouses!

Today's wooden doll.

In a potted plant onboard the ferry.

Smoking is more common around these parts.

Lower decks.

Safety raft.

Another type of safety raft.

The on-ship cinema, has at least 3 shows running.

Loving that warm Atlantic Ocean air.

With my roomie!!!


Got bored while waiting to deboard.
Also I managed to evade sea-sickness by keeping moving...
Like a shark!
Got 10K steps in before deboarding!


Train station with the longest name.
It's a tourist gimmick, but charming, nevertheless.

Post box!
But my post is not quite ready...

On the road again.


The town of Beaumaris castle.

Lunch at a lovely fish shack.

They had GF fish!!!

The unfinish castle of Beaumaris!

Comes with moat.

Did I mention that amazing moat?

Try not to trip, fall and die.

Sea gull.

What every badgrrl needs-
Her own personal moat.

Love the inner courtyard.



After the castle, its time for dragons and gelato.

Time to catch the bus.

On the road to our hotel in Birmingham.

Rest stop.


Made it to our hotel.
All the hotels thus far had fire doors.

Weirdest hotel decor, by far.

Was not "impressed" because the conditioner bottle had body wash/shampoo, as did the shampoo bottle.

On the road again.
A repair on the road.
My hat was ready to give up the ghost!
Saved it though.

First stop:
the cottage of Anne Hathaway, wife of Shakespeare.

On to Straford-Upon-Avon, birthplace of Shakespeare.

Shopping central.


Back onto the coach/bus.

Taxis here seat 6.


Off to an appointment with the Eye.

The line ride.

Made it onto a pod!


Walking the food stands below the Eye.

because crepes!

Got some help hiding my wooden doll of the day.

My dinner companion and I found some better food.

Got this cheese stick for Miss.

Our new hotel.
Just outside of Heathrow Airport.

Got some desparation chocolate...
Everyone was having nightly brownies (not GF), and I was missing out.

On the road again.
Double decker.

Made it to Pax Lodge.
Girl Scouts/Girl Guides of UK.

After the pinning ceremony.

Where I decided to leave my wooden doll for the day.


Covent Garden


Off to Windsor Castle.

Miniature mock-up.

Entering the castle.


On to the mall down the hill from the castle...
It was a day.


Back at our hotel in Heathrow.
Interesting decor.

Apparently the ironing room is a huge bonus.


To a day off.
To write, draw & paint.

Went on a walk.

I wasn't kidding about being JUST outside the Heathrow Airport.
This is the backside of the airport.

Found a post box, with my finished postcards!

Seen while walking.

Crossing the road.

Outside my hotel.

Like I said, the hotel has some interesting decor.

Writing and drawing postcards...


Wooden dolls and airplanes landing in the background.