Wednesday, September 11, 2024

August into September...

Goodbye August.
Hello September!
Plasticine clay, dance, dolls, turkeys, more turkeys, 
the last of the pool, cupcakes, theme park, and more art!

Enjoying plasticine clay.


An outing with my no-so-little luvs.


The pool is cooling as the hot weather starts to let up.


Turkeys are really enjoying the backyard this year.


More moments brought to you by plasticine clay.


Poolside fun.

Guess who wants a hug?



Thought that it would be fun if they could each label their globe...


Miss private ballet lesson.


Amusement Park.

On the jumping dragon.
They use to love this one when they were little.
Still a classic.

Ferris wheel follies.

They talked me into going on it twice!

Olders on rollercoaster.


Miss really wanted to make the day special, since this was in part in honor of a bday of hers.
So she packed up all the ingredients to make fresh mashed avocado open-face sandwiches for each of us.

She even packed olive oil to pour on top.

You can see that I forgot plates, but we made do with ziplock bags...

And don't forget the pepper!



Gondola ride.

They liked it so much that they went back and forth...


Was very hot that day...
So we finished off with some cold treats and headed home mid-afternoon.


More turkey visitations!


Pool time some more...
Before the weather really turns.
Trying to splash me...


Latest hair cut and color.
I tried to get horizontal striping of pink and purple in her hair.
It didn't show up at first, but as fading occurred over time, the purple became more prominent and you could actually see the striping later on.


Out and about with my love.


A very Badger Home Evening.

Tonight: a boardgame: Cadoo.

Plus a drawing of sister.


Some lovely shading work with copic markers.


Blading, while the weather holds.
I'm always a firm believer in suiting up with proper knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards...  And of course, padded pants!


More work with copic markers.
Loving the shading.


Meanwhile, I'm working on a painting a few wooden dolls...


Miss going out on her weekly canvassing volunteership.


Making mac n' cheese....


Thank you to Michelle H. for my wonderful birthday markers...
I'm really getting into painting with them!


Out with my love.


Resurrecting toys from the past.
To explore geometric solids.


Sisterly Post-it Shenanigans!


Over the summer, we had a unit exploring plasticine clay.
As part of the study, I had them explore making clay cane.
This Miss didn't have time to participate, at the time.
She is making up for lost time.
I love how the learning sometimes shows-up at later times, when one least expects.
It's like a surprise present.
Piggie cane.

Froggie cane.


Starting to make more regular vegetable roasts to go with our breakfast mornings.
Still hard to balance my morning workout, with morning read-alouds and making breakfast.


More Post-it mobbing by her sister.
She looks thrilled.


Another fun Friday blading.


Post blading hang-out-and-wait-for-Boba-to-open.
I swear Boba must be run by day-walking vampires.
Otherwise why would they open so late?

It's a bummer that Moka is no longer running in the Marmalade Library.

At last!
Sunny Honey opened.
Now waiting for Boba!


For Mama.


Dragonboat Festival.
Miss has a performance with her troop!

The boats.

Our amazing 老師, puts their hair togehter.
They always look so good!



It was windy.
Bubby, is holding down one of the tent legs to keep the tent in place.

Sitting down to watch the performance.


Return of the turkeys!


Fun with a playdate.


Painted some wooden dolls!
Season series.


Jellyfish series.



In biology, we were learning about experimental design.
Testing our theories on whether or not people walk in a straight line, when blindfolded...

Breadcrumbs to trace our path of walking...


Woke up to this, this morning.
Yesterday, well all got our seasonal shots.
Today, one feeling a little under the weather.
So we had a slow-down day.
Complete with morning scrabble.


Putting together a regular art get together for my teens.
Going to call it "Teens Art in the Park".
Any families local and with teens, welcome to join!


In anticipation of traveling.
I printed some new luggage tags.


Miss off to another campaign canvassing day.


Joys of communing with hummingbirds.


Setting up a mini-field to start readying for the next robotics season.


Wild turkeys again!
This time, Miss went outside, equipped with seed to feed them!

They stayed for a bite!


The first cupcakes of the school season.
Sneaking marshmallows



Prepping frosting and dipping!



Happy with the frosting finish.

Ready to bring them to Art-in-the-Park!


But first, Friday blading.
While the weather holds.
She was the only one that could come out today.
Others had too much homework.


Teens Art in the Park!
With duckcakes.


Pleased with the attendance!

Great to see so many faces, old and new.

Some of the work left at the Trading Post, at the end of the meetup.


Another year of public speaking!
Toastmasters Youth Leadership Meeting.


It was a lovely conclusion to a long day.
Morning blading, late-morning Art-in-the-Park with lunch.
Afternoon speech-making.
Then sisters off to sell at the kids market & Miss joining me for sushi and soba dinner.
Fun & yum.