Thursday, August 8, 2024



August was hot!!!
Pool water, watercolor, backpacking, canvassing, coffee, rollerblading, and more coffee!

Pool time.


Prepping for camping.
We have found that spraying down camping clothes eliminates most bug bites.

Trying on her pack.


Mama & Wivi weekend!
Dada & sisters are out backpack camping.
I'm staying with Miss who had her weekend booked.
Making the most of our morning.

Blading time!

Post blading cold brew.


Getting to that age where I'm trying out reading glasses.
Been recording reading-alouds of a highschool Biology text.
Collecting all of my recordings into a podcast.
It's a long slog, to get through even half of the book.
(Audio booking a textbook for one of my kids, because there isn't one available.)


Found a new-to-us coffee shop.
Very popular, out-of-the-way gem.
Pre-canvassing coffee.

Off she goes a-canvassing.


Final morning before the rest of the fam returns from backpack camping!


Miss is back from backpacking!
Magic time coloring with markers.


Miss wanted summer camp by Mama.
This week: watercolor!
Day 1: wet on wet.


Miss hosted a mini-carnival...
There were snacks.

There were games.

Hungry-hungry hippos.

Much fun.


Miss 3's latest sculptures...

Leaf sheep sea-slug.



Day 2 of watercolor summer camp:
color mixing gradients...
Mixed media.


Going off to canvas again!


Coffee with a dear friend.


Day 3 with watercolor: putting it all together in realism.

Some of the watercolor work of this week...


Birthday coffee!!!

Birthday coffee cake!!!

Birthday lunch outing.

Loving my piggie hat.
Yes, I wore it out.
It was a birthday present from a previous year, so why not?

Birthday rollerblade!


In teepee with burb.


The realistic rose was a multi-day project...
Mostly because we had to let areas dry in between layers...

Miss 3's wet-on-wet above.


Birthday dinner.


Driving Miss to more canvassing.



More progress on her watercolor rose.


Meeting with her mentor.


Cotton Candy Love.



She started two mirror image roses.
This is her first completed one!

Gifting it to her friend.


More pool time.
Weather remains hot!

Me with them...
Right before they talked me into going into the pool for some fun!


Wild Backyard turkeys!


She's helping me with decorating a brownie+blondie robot cake.


Post test snow-cone.


Baked robot brownie...

Decided to jazz-it-up a bit.
Added chocolate.


Backyard bird watching.

So many turkeys!!!


Finalized brownie robot.
We threw on some edible sakura printables that I had.

Robotics sister soirée party!

Fun times.


Miss 3's projects: clay and finishing up that second rose...

My two roses...
The one on the right is closer to completion.