Friday, October 11, 2024

Badgers in Porto, Portugal part 5 of 5

Dinner with friends!
Magic time one-on-ones.
The Flights (AKA- epic-long-slog) home.
And finally, home-sweet-home.



Most of the day, we spent catching up on homework.


In the afternoon, out gracious new homeschooling friends invited us over for dinner!
We walked over to our new friend's house.

It's a short cut...

That got longer... and longer...
And very vine-y and bush-y!
Not a recommended shortcut.

A sweet cobbly neighborhood, where an old nearly-toothless Portuguese lady stopped and ask "Well aren't you going to wish me good afternoon?" - in Portuguese.  Right as I was about to say "Boa Tarde!" to her - and we had a little laugh...  And I said in broken Portuguese that "Falo um poco Portuguese."


Made it!
Good times.

Kids getting along!
Oh yes, and I brought some of the paints, lanterns, and lights that I had packed in my suitcase.

I so wanted the kids and us adults to find connection here in Porto.
Thank you again Jen!

Walking the neighborhood.

After a lovely evening.
Walking home.


Friday: Magic time with this Miss.
Took this Miss out.
Just a mama and Miss morning out.
Stopped at a local cafe and picked up some pastries and coffee.

Then ventured to the local grocery store to pick out her new favorite treat!


Practicing her speech in front of sister.

Left over from our previous night's art project:
My painted lantern with the Gallo.

Late Friday in Porto, time for virtually attending Toastmasters Youth Leadership Workshop.
This Miss is ready to give her speech.

These ones are also virtually attending Toastmasters.
And the youngest is going to give her speech as well.


Time for another Magic time with this Miss.

Crossed the river Douro.

Went shopping in the tourist shops and got some Starbucks as well.


That evening we wandered down to a local mall.
And found a mammoth sized grocery store and mall.
It was more American sized, so-to-speak.

Huge section for pastries.

Like Pastel de Nata.

And Palmiers...

Palmiers the size of one's HEAD, that is.





Time for Magic time with the Littlest Miss.
First we had to stop by this store.
It says Supermarket at the front, but it's one of those Chinese import shops that actually carries a bit of everything - including the kitchen sink.
Tiny store front - to a store that just keeps going, and going, and going!
I call it the room of requirement.

Walking down to the edge of the River Douro.

Beauty in the modern/old ruins.

To the river...
I can't get enough of that Baccalau!
Queen of Sardines!


Final send off of one of my little travelling dolls.
My little helper!


It's Sunday.
So I had to call down to the front to make sure that housekeeping would make it up to our room by 5:30pm...
The Lobby was occupied and cordoned off because the Lisbon professional soccer team had most of the building reserved to themselves.
That explained all of the extra security!
So we waited on our floor.
And waited...


We got to get our room back.
And it was dinner time.

Dessert: candy spaghetti.

Origami on my mind...
Prepping for our return home: creating content to promote our Teens Art in the Park event.
Gotta keep my teens getting out there!




Taking the kids out to walk over the top of the bridge again.
But first a stop at the fortress on the South side of the bridge.

A cool fortress.
Great views.


Yes, comfort "food" is Starbucks, for my generation...
For my parents generation, I think that it was McDonald's, or Subway?


Back in our hotel room.
Our hotel is right next to a small college.
And we had fun listening to and watching their freshman hazing rituals.


2:30 Am - like in the morning.
Goodbye Porto.
We were inspired.

Porto in the dark.
View out of the plane window.


Amsterdam-> LAX
Following this bear.
The longest flight...
The beautiful view of Greenland!

From there it was a total drag to land and find our gat in LAX.
By then we had been traveling for nearly 24 hours and their security routines for chaotic.
Didn't take pictures.


Home sweet home.
My morning walk.